
$40 Million to Learn What Makes an Effective Teacher

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Pittsburgh has received $40 million from the Gates Foundation to figure out how to define and promote effective teaching. That is more money than many school districts spend in a year-true, not nearly as much as the outrageously expensive Pittsburgh school district that should already know what makes an effective teacher.

After unimaginable amounts of money spent by governments, philanthropic organizations, schools of education and private research over the past century or more, one would have thought we would know what makes a teacher effective. Granted, technology changes, curriculum content changes, etc., mean teachers might need to adapt pedagogically and to reflect technology. However, the basic thrust of imparting knowledge, encouraging interest, inspiring students and rewarding achievement seem to be timeless.

Indeed, it is entirely possible that the concept of "effective teacher" has been studied to death. Some teachers are more effective than other for a variety of reasons. Love of the subject, love of the profession and burning desire to make a difference in children’s lives and futures. It is doubtful that after $40 million of expenditures Pittsburgh will be able to define precisely what makes an effective teacher. They will conclude there are a number of factors that appear in different levels among effective teachers.

One thing we know for sure. Teachers whose primary interest is union membership and ever bigger paychecks and benefits will probably not be the ones who will do the most to help with the $40 million effort to define effective teaching.

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